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To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps::

  1. Write a check payable to "Cyber Teens Foundation"
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "Cyber Teens Foundation"
  3. Mail your check to:

    Cyber Teens Foundation
    111 Not A Real St.
    Anytown, CA 12345

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!




Donation Total: $100

Sadat Rahman

Founder & President

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About Me:

Education & Training

Sadat Rahman age 19 is a young social innovator and a change
maker. He started this journey when he was only 15 years old.
In 2017, Sadat created a social organization along with his
friends called “Narail Volunteers”. The main motive of this
organization was to find out how the young volunteers can help
solve various problems which occurs on a daily basis in the
society. He helped organize different activities which includes
planting trees, donating blood, preventing child marriages,
organizing festivals for street children etc.
A tragic suicide story of a young 15-year-old girl who was the victim of cyberbullying led Sadat to
ponder how harmful the effects of cyberbullying on teenagers were. As a result, he started working
against cyberbullying. Initially, he launched a Mobile Application and Web platform for children
called Cyber Teens. This is a platform where teens can educate themselves about digital literacy. If a
teenager is a victim of cyberbullying or cybercrime, he/she can file a complaint through the Cyber
Teens website/app. When the volunteers receive the complaint, they review it and they send it to
professional psychologist, cyber expert, local police depending on the victim’s situation. And the
whole situation remains anonymous in order for the victim’s safety.
Sadat has been awarded the International Children’s Peace Prize in 2020 for his extraordinary
initiative that helps a lot of teenagers fight against the cyberbullying.
Sadat’s idea and initiative to prevent cyberbullying with the support of the People’s Republic of
Bangladesh government has now started all over Bangladesh.
